24 March 2025
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ADHD and learning
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Supporting students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) across the curriculum.

​Understanding ADHD

Key concepts, concerns, and experiences of students with ADHD.

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ADHD can influence learning, particularly the ability to focus, pay attention, engage with a task, and use working memory.

Summary of important concepts:

Strategies for action

Four key strategies to support students with ADHD in their learning

Show material for:

Identify needs and how to provide support

Get to know the student and their whānau. Take an evidence-based, team approach to supporting learning and wellbeing. Monitor progress closely.

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Young people with ADHD talk about their experiences in the classroom and recommend what teachers can do to help them learn.

Three suggestions for implementing this strategy:

  1. Ask the student what will help


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  2. Partner with whānau


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  3. Assessment and monitoring


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​Support self-regulation and positive behaviour

Sensory integration, thinking, social interaction and positive behaviour are areas students with ADHD may need some specific support. Explore recommended approaches.

Self-regulation allows students to manage their emotions, behaviour and body movement when they’re faced with a situation that’s tough to handle.

It allows them to do that while still staying focused and paying attention.


Four suggestions for implementing this strategy:

  1. ​Support focus


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  2. Support thinking


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  3. ​Support social interaction


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  4. Support positive behaviour​


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Helpful classroom strategies years 1-8

Approaches that are useful for students with ADHD are often valuable for everyone.

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Linda Ojala describes her approach to designing learning that works for all students.

Four suggestions for implementing this strategy:

Helpful classroom strategies years 9-13

Approaches that are useful for students with ADHD are often valuable for everyone.

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In partnership with students, develop flexible learning environments that students can customise.

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Four suggestions for implementing this strategy:

Key resources

New Zealand guidelines for the assessment and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

ADHD in children

Information about ADHD and strategies for supporting children at school and at home.

Publisher: Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD A resource for educators

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A resource for educators

This booklet examines how ADHD can influence learning. It provides strategies teachers can use relating to key areas where students with ADHD may need support.

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