Special Assessment Conditions (SAC)
Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Support assessment and exams, including NCEA’
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Understanding SAC
Understanding SAC
SAC provides extra help for approved learners so they can complete NCEA internal standards and external (exams) standards.
- SAC is available to meet a range of physical, sensory, medical, and learning needs.
- SAC can include the use of a writer or reader, computer access, rest breaks, Braille, or enlarged papers.
- Barriers to achievement are removed or reduced, providing learners with a fair opportunity to achieve credits.
- Applications are made by schools on behalf of learners.
Support whānau with information from Special Assessment Conditions – information for parents and caregivers.
Applying for SAC for NCEA
Applying for SAC for NCEA
Applications for SAC are made by schools on behalf of the learner.
Ministry of Education staff can support the process but are not responsible for it.
The SAC timeline explains when to apply. New applicants need to apply in October for the following year.
Detailed information on SAC is available from the NZQA website.
Contact NZQA with queries.
Utilising the flexibility built into NCEA
Utilising the flexibility built into NCEA
NCEA is flexible.
Design assessments to suit the nature of the learning being assessed, as well as the varied characteristics and experiences of the learners.
Avoid one-size-fits-all approaches, as they create unnecessary barriers for some learners.
- multiple forms of assessment, for example, demonstration, video, audio, poster, written, multiple choice
- active reflection – learners spend time, individually and together, considering how they can demonstrate their learning
- what supports are needed to enable all learners to have equal access, for example, screen readers, reader writer, or more time
- learner needs when giving feedback, for example, comments on Google Docs, face to face feedback, videoing and analysing assessment tasks together – this could include using dance, drama, music, or speeches.
- available exemplars with explanations and examples of what “achieved”, “merit”, and “excellence” looks like, for example, annotate NZQA assessments so they are meaningful for your learners.
Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga (opens in a new tab/window)
Useful resources
Useful resources
Special Assessment Conditions (SAC)
Information about Special Assessment Conditions (SAC), which provide extra help for approved students when they are being assessed.
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Support assessment and exams, including NCEA”:
Current page Special Assessment Conditions
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Strategies for action:
Reduce barriers to learningShow suggestions for Reduce barriers to learning
Using low-technology optionsShow suggestions for Using low-technology options
Using digital technologiesShow suggestions for Using digital technologies
Considering Ministry of Education funded assistive technology (AT)Show suggestions for Considering Ministry of Education funded assistive technology (AT)
Support assessment and exams, including NCEAShow suggestions for Support assessment and exams, including NCEA
- Digital assessment
- Special Assessment Conditions