Learn how to scaffold support
Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Identifying areas to build teacher aide understanding and confidence’
On this page:
On this page:
Current page section: Learn how to scaffold support
Go to top of current page: Learn how to scaffold support
Go to top of current page: Learn how to scaffold support
Go to top of current page: Learn how to scaffold support
Learn about the hierarchy of approaches
Learn about the hierarchy of approaches
- self-scaffolding
- prompting
- clueing
- modelling
- correcting
Develop roving and scanning skills
Develop roving and scanning skills
Encourage teacher aides to provide the minimal amount of support needed.
Prompt for self management
Prompt for self management
Under direction from the teacher, the teacher aide can use simple strategies, such as stickies, to signal where a student should begin working.
Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga
Useful resources
Useful resources
Maximising The Impact of Teaching Assistants: Guidance for school leaders and teachers
This downloadable UK resource provides checkpoints to support teacher aides develop their skills scaffolding students’ learning.
Publisher: Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants (UK)
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Identify areas to build TA understanding and confidence”:
Current page Learn how to scaffold support
Return to the guide “Supporting effective teacher aide practice ”
How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Teacher aide practice
Strategies for action:
Review and refine the TA's role and responsibilitiesShow suggestions for Review and refine the TA's role and responsibilities
Develop effective recruitment, induction, and PLD processesShow suggestions for Develop effective recruitment, induction, and PLD processes
Support and prepare teachers in their roleShow suggestions for Support and prepare teachers in their role
Identify areas to build TA understanding and confidenceShow suggestions for Identify areas to build TA understanding and confidence
- Develop effective interactions
- Learn how to scaffold support
- Support group work
- Enable student independence
- Support student friendships