10 March 2025

Provide options for students to create, learn and share

Provide flexible options and tools so years 1-8 students can show their learning and share with others.

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Offer options for sharing learning

Offer options for sharing learning

Provide a range of ways for students to express what they know. 

For example, using multimedia, talking books, images, symbols, voice recordings and videos.

Personalise learning

Personalise learning

Provide opportunities for students to learn in ways that suit their needs and preferences.

  • Set realistic, ambitious, and achievable personal targets.
  • Create opportunities where students can personalise learning tasks and projects to build on their culture, knowledge, experience and strengths.
  • Discuss with students the different ways they can share their thinking and demonstrate understanding.
  • Develop success criteria with the students and present them with clear visual supports.
  • Provide opportunities for students to gain confidence using a range of media so they can select the most appropriate way to express their learning.
  • Offer a flexible learning environment with a variety of seating and working spaces.
  • Offer a reader-writer or assistive technologies to support success in assessments.

Foster buddy systems

Foster buddy systems

The tuakana-teina relationship provides the model for a buddy system. The older or more expert tuakana helps and guides the younger or less expert teina.

This provides opportunities for students with FASD to work with younger students, reinforcing their own learning, and experiencing success.

Use technologies

Use technologies

Online tools enable students with FASD to work at their own pace.

Select computer-based learning programs that enable repetition, are visual, provide a hands-on learning experience, and allow for immediate feedback.

Provide all students with access to tools that:

  • support collaboration and timely feedback, such as Google docs
  • can be customised to meet their individual needs and preferences
  • provide for repetition and allow students to revisit as often as necessary.

Use multimedia tools

Use multimedia tools

Introduce ākonga to a range of tools and technologies they can use to express their ideas and tell stories.

5316 [Using-computer-cropped-to-landscape.png]

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Useful resources

Useful resources

This digital tool supports students to develop oral fluency, listening, and writing.


Talking tin – Red 40 second recording

This digital tool supports students with developing oral fluency, listening, and writing.

Publisher: Sitech Systems NZ Ltd.

Price: One off charge

Visit website


10 ways to use recordable talking buttons

Digital talking buttons, or tins, record short audio and play it back when pressed. This blog lists many classroom uses including to support oral fluency, following instructions, listening and writing.

Publisher: TTS

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Helpful classroom strategies years 1-8”:

Return to the guide “Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and learning”
