10 March 2025

The New Zealand Curriculum

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Teach students about alcohol harm during pregnancy’

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The causes of FASD causes and the effects on children, parents and families can be included in alcohol and other drug education as part of the Health and Physical Education learning area.

FASD may also have relevance as a context for learning for other areas such as the social sciences, English, and science.

Useful resources

Useful resources



Website with activities and videos to support New Zealand schools to take a whole-school approach to preparing students to live in a world where alcohol and drugs exist.

Publisher: Tūturu

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Amohia te waiora

Website with information, advice, research and resources to help prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm and inspire New Zealanders to make better decisions about drinking alcohol. Managed by the Health Promotion Agency Te Hiringa Hauora.

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Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Prevention

Information and video clips that could be used in a teaching and learning activity, or for students’ own research.

Publisher: KidsHealth

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Teach students about alcohol harm during pregnancy”:

  • Current page The New Zealand Curriculum

Return to the guide “Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and learning”
