10 March 2025

Access support, programmes and resources

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Identify needs and ways to provide support’

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New Zealand organisations

New Zealand organisations

Develop relationships with FASD networks and community partners.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder – Caregiver Action Network (FASD-CAN) is a non-profit incorporated society of parents, caregivers, extended whānau and health professionals. It offers a wide and comprehensive range of resources. 

Resources include webinar recordings on a range of topics including what works in schools for tamariki and rangatahi Māori with FASD.

FASD-CAN offers a 12-module educator training course on FASD called Kete into Practice.

International organisations

International organisations

  1. NoFASD Australia – This Australian government website provides comprehensive information and resources.
  2. FASD Hub Australia – This online hub provides current information and evidence.
  3. CanFASD Canada – The FASD Research Network is a collaborative, interdisciplinary research network, with collaborators, researchers and partners across the nation.
  4. POPFASD Canada – The Provincial Outreach Program for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is funded by the British Columbia Ministry of Education, Canada.
  5. The Asante Centre Canada – Provides resources about FASD including education resources and short videos

Work with RTLB

Work with RTLB

The Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) Service are available to work alongside schools and kura to provide learning support when it is needed. They are specialist, itinerant kaiako or teachers who work across a number of schools and kura.

RTLB work alongside whānau, and other agencies, to plan support based on the evidence of what works. They can assist with assessments and identifying strengths and next steps.

Funding support

Funding support

Ministry of Education funding available to NZ schools.


Students with learning support needs

Information about services and funding available for students who need additional learning supports for identified learning, behaviour and/or social communication, vision, hearing, mobility, or communication needs.

Visit website

Professional learning support

Professional learning support

Online learning modules and apps.


Kete into Practice 2024

FASD-CAN offers a Aotearoa specific 12-module educator training course for teachers.

Publisher: FASD – CAN

Visit website


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

Four-part module examining how FASD impacts on learning

Publisher: Western Australia, Department of Education

Visit website


Engaging all learners: Supporting students with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

Publisher: The Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC)

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Identify needs and ways to provide support”:

Return to the guide “Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and learning”
