Provide social and emotional support
Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Concussion: Support a return to learning and activity’
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Notice where support is needed
Notice where support is needed
Many symptoms can often be misinterpreted.
Instead, these symptoms are signals that a brain is still healing and needs a supportive environment to aid recovery.
- Behaviour changes triggered by minor events
- Reduced impulse control
- Frustration over not being able to do things they could do before
- Easily overwhelmed
- Reduced problem-solving skills
- Unaware of changes in ability
- Less able to read social cues
- Inflexible thinking
Demonstrate empathy
Demonstrate empathy
A student talks about the value of adults having empathy for his invisible injury.
No captions or transcript
Useful teaching strategies
Useful teaching strategies
Select teaching strategies to support the recovery of a child or young person with a concussion.
Seek feedback on what’s helpful.
Adjust as needed.
- Maintain an organised, uncluttered, and calm learning environment.
- Create predictable and consistent routines.
- Prepare for and give reminders of upcoming transitions or changes in routine.
- Allow wait time for processing what is being said and to allow children and young people to form their own responses.
- Cue that what you are about to say is important.
- Teach children and young people to advocate and ask for clarification.
- Discuss and practise what is expected prior to events.
- Build awareness of how words and behaviours affect others.
- Teach thought-stopping, relaxation, or coping strategies, such as taking deep breaths, calming self-talk, and leaving the situation until calm.
- Incorporate breaks from the setting to regroup, calm, and rest.
Reflection questions
Reflection questions
Adapt and adjust for your own context.
- How could you reduce situations that may trigger anxiety (for example, minimise changes in routine, cramped working spaces, noise, clutter, unstructured activity, frequent transitions)?
- Where could you teach and incorporate relaxation and coping strategies into the curriculum?
- What processes will you use to regularly check-in with the child or young person?
- How will you strengthen children and young people’s self-advocacy skills?
Useful resources
Useful resources

Changes: Behaviour, mood & personality
Read time: 3 min
This leaflet explains how damage to certain parts of the brain can change personality and behaviour and affect mood.
Publisher: Brain Injury NZ
Download PDF
BrainSTARS: Regulation of emotion
This is a list of practical strategies for teachers and parents supporting students with a brain injury.
Publisher: BrainLine
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Concussion: Support a return to learning and activity”:
Current page Provide social and emotional support
Return to the guide “Supporting learners with acquired brain injury”
How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Acquired brain injury and learning
- Understand the basics about ABI
Understand impacts on learning and wellbeingShow suggestions for Understand impacts on learning and wellbeing
Strategies for action:
Review leadership and governance responsibilitiesShow suggestions for Review leadership and governance responsibilities
Concussion: Support a return to learning and activityShow suggestions for Concussion: Support a return to learning and activity
- Understand the injury and the needed support
- Develop a plan of support
- Monitor physical activity
- Provide social and emotional support
- Support attention, communication, and organisation
Traumatic brain injury (TBI): Support a return to learning and activityShow suggestions for Traumatic brain injury (TBI): Support a return to learning and activity
Non-traumatic brain injury: Support a return to learning and activityShow suggestions for Non-traumatic brain injury: Support a return to learning and activity