Changes to emotions, social skills, behaviour, and wairua
Understand the impacts on learning and wellbeing.
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Injury to wairua
Injury to wairua
For Māori, the head is the most sacred part of the body.
Brain injuries affect not only their anatomy and physiology, but also their spirituality.
Dr Hinemoa Elder
Reduced insight and self awareness
Reduced insight and self awareness
Changes in the brain influence emotions, behaviour, and social skills.
Injury to the brain may substantially alter a child or young person’s ability to assess a problem and find a solution.
The inability to think in a flexible manner often makes a child or young person argumentative or unmotivated.
Often the child or young person is unaware of changes in their ability, or does not pick up cues from others.
Influence on self-control
Influence on self-control
When the brain is injured it gets tired quickly.
Less energy equals less self-control and unexpected mood swings.
Changes to expression
Changes to expression
After children and young people have sustained a brain injury, they may express themselves differently.
- Speaking without thinking first.
- Jumping from topic to topic when talking.
- Talking less and appearing withdrawn.
- Dominating conversations – talking more and not listening to others.
- Missing things that are said or “getting the wrong end of the stick”.
Brain injury can cause changes to the way children and young people feel, act, and connect to others.
- Brain injury can affect every aspect of being human, including personality, spirit, and sense of self.
- Pre-existing personality traits can be accentuated.
- Varying control of emotions and behaviour may be exhibited.
- Impulse control is frequently reduced.
- Reduced awareness of self and others may be evident.
- Reduced confidence to do things by themselves may be evident.
- Overconfidence may be evident and some children and young people may need to learn to rely on others more for support.
Useful resources
Useful resources

Brain injury in children and youth: A manual for educators
Read time: 212 min
How a brain injury can be recognised and managed, including sections on disruptions to development at any point, social and emotional competencies and response-to-intervention (RTI) plans.
Publisher: Colorado Department of Education

Changes: Behaviour, mood & personality
Read time: 3 min
This leaflet explains how damage to certain parts of the brain can change personality and behaviour and affect mood.
Publisher: Brain Injury NZ
Download PDF

Te Whare o Oro
A mātauranga Māori framework for understanding the roro (brain). Includes a chapter on adapting Te Whare o Oro for specific neurodivergence and trauma.
Publisher: Te Atawhai o Te Ao Charitable Trust
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Understand impacts on learning and wellbeing”:
Current page Emotions, social skills, behaviour, and wairua
Return to the guide “Supporting learners with acquired brain injury”
How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Acquired brain injury and learning
- Understand the basics about ABI
Understand impacts on learning and wellbeingShow suggestions for Understand impacts on learning and wellbeing
- Effects of ABI on stages of development
- Emotions, social skills, behaviour, and wairua
- Changes to cognition and thinking processes
- Changes to physical wellbeing
Strategies for action:
Review leadership and governance responsibilitiesShow suggestions for Review leadership and governance responsibilities
Concussion: Support a return to learning and activityShow suggestions for Concussion: Support a return to learning and activity
Traumatic brain injury (TBI): Support a return to learning and activityShow suggestions for Traumatic brain injury (TBI): Support a return to learning and activity
Non-traumatic brain injury: Support a return to learning and activityShow suggestions for Non-traumatic brain injury: Support a return to learning and activity