Support attention, communication, and organisation
Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Non-traumatic brain injury: Support a return to learning and activity’
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Notice where support is needed
Notice where support is needed
Many symptoms can often be misinterpreted.
Instead, these symptoms are signals that a brain is still healing and needs a supportive environment to aid recovery.
- Difficulty staying on task
- Reduced ability to focus
- Easily distracted
- Difficulty completing work
- Forgetting what they have been asked to do
- Difficulty doing more than one thing at a time
- Problems organising approaches to tasks
- Difficulty getting started on tasks
- Difficulty expressing thoughts clearly, either verbally or in writing
- Heightened sensitivity to noise
Source: Adapted from Changes: Behaviour, mood & personality (opens in a new tab/window)
Seat with positive peers
Seat with positive peers
Positive peers can help with clarifying instructions, moving between tasks, preparing for transitions, and managing task completion.
![11604 [Screen-Shot-2019-01-17-at-12.05.12-PM.png]](
Source: Ministry of Education
Support with beginning a task
Support with beginning a task
Provide assistance with getting started on tasks. Use stickies as visual cues.
Then ask the child or young person about the first thing they are going to do next.
Source: Ministry of Education
Useful teaching strategies
Useful teaching strategies
Select teaching strategies that support the recovery of a child or young person with a non-traumatic brain injury
Seek feedback on what’s helpful.
Adjust as needed.
- Revisit a concept as many times as needed.
- Check for understanding and the need for assistance.
- Preview new material when possible.
- Develop with the learner strategies that help them coordinate learning and materials between home and school.
- Consider using a communication notebook or email routine for school-home communication.
- Timetable the most important learning tasks at the times when the learner has the most energy.
- Seat the learner near to the location of instruction and away from distractions, such as doors, windows, and high traffic areas.
- Eliminate interruptions as much as possible.
- Make sure to have the learner’s attention when giving directions or instructions.
Reflection questions
Reflection questions
Adjust and adapt for your own context.
- How will you monitor a child or young person’s progress on a task so they don’t get too lost or stuck?
- In what ways could you use digital tools to support refocusing?
- What strategies will you use to ensure instructions can be followed and referred to later?
- How can distractions in the environment be minimised?
Useful resources
Useful resources

Cognition: Attention, concentration & memory
Read time: 4 min
This leaflet explains how damage to the brain can affect attention, concentration, and memory.
Publisher: Brain Injury NZ
Download PDF
BrainSTARS: Attention
This is list of practical strategies for parents and teachers who are supporting children and young people who have difficulty focussing their attention due to brain injury.
Publisher: BrainLine
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Non-traumatic brain injury: Support a return to learning and activity”:
Current page Support attention, communication, and organisation
Return to the guide “Supporting learners with acquired brain injury”
How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Acquired brain injury and learning
- Understand the basics about ABI
Understand impacts on learning and wellbeingShow suggestions for Understand impacts on learning and wellbeing
Strategies for action:
Review leadership and governance responsibilitiesShow suggestions for Review leadership and governance responsibilities
Concussion: Support a return to learning and activityShow suggestions for Concussion: Support a return to learning and activity
Traumatic brain injury (TBI): Support a return to learning and activityShow suggestions for Traumatic brain injury (TBI): Support a return to learning and activity
Non-traumatic brain injury: Support a return to learning and activityShow suggestions for Non-traumatic brain injury: Support a return to learning and activity
- Understand the injury
- Support an effective return to ECE or school
- Support physical recovery
- Social and emotional support
- Support attention, communication, and organisation