25 March 2025

Present information in different ways

Suggestion for implementing the strategy 'Helpful classroom strategies years 1-8

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Increase access to content

Increase access to content

Ideas for presenting and sharing content and instructions in more than one way.

  • Take a multisensory approach – use real experiences, physical activity and manipulables to support understanding.
  • Support text and spoken information with photos, graphics, audio and video.
  • Present digital text rather than printed text so that students can personalise it (for example, by enlarging it or listening to it).
  • Use blogs, wikis and online tools such as Moodle to bring together different versions of content in one place (for example, a YouTube video, a graphic and some text).
  • Make instructions, demonstrations, or key content rewindable and accessible 24/7.

Use closed captions

Use closed captions

Viewing videos with closed captions provides support for students who are deaf or hard of hearing, learning a second langauge, or need support with comprehension.

Find videos with closed captions

Find videos with closed captions

Use video with closed captions to support access for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

  • Search for YouTube and open the home page.

  • Type search subject (for example “frogs”) into YouTube search bar and press return key.

  • On left of screen, click the tab called “Filters” and a menu box will open.

  • Select “subtitles/CC” under the Features list.

  • Select a video from the selection of filtered videos presented by YouTube.

  • Watch the selected video with the closed captions turned on to check for accuracy before sharing with students.

  • Share closed captioned video with students.

Offer text-to-speech tools

Offer text-to-speech tools

Offer text-to-speech tools to read text aloud and support comprehension. Free text-to-speech tools are available across all computer operating systems.

Useful resources

Useful resources


Hints and tips for teachers with deaf or hearing impaired students in their classrooms

These information sheets provide practical tips for teachers on communication and inclusion.

Publisher: Deaf Children New Zealand Tamariki Turi o Aotearoa

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Helpful classroom strategies years 1-8”:

Return to the guide “Deaf or hard of hearing students and learning”
