11 March 2025

Prepare and support teaching staff

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Planning for successful transitions to school ’

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Brief teachers on tools used

Brief teachers on tools used

Familiarise staff with any digital and assistive technologies the new student uses. Make sure they understand how these tools support learning and how they can be  incorporated into their classroom.

6165 [Screen-Shot-2014-06-16-at-8.25.30-am.png]

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Training programmes and resources

Training programmes and resources

Use these training programmes and resources to support your own and your students’ learning.

Provide teacher release time

Provide teacher release time

It was great that the principal released me, the specialist teacher and the teacher’s aide to meet with Anya’s team at the kindergarten. We learnt so much about what Anya could do independently from observing the education support worker with her and then from discussion with the team. We also came the next week and worked with Anya in the class so we could see all the strategies that worked. I’m not worried about her coming at all now as I see how easy it will be to have her in class.


Useful resources

Useful resources


Understood: For learning and attention issues

This US website provides practical support for families, students, and teachers. A range of learning areas are covered. There are videos, templates and learning activities to support classroom approaches.

Publisher: Understood

Visit website


PowerUp your classroom

A US website that focuses on using technology to support differentiation and a Universal Design for Learning framework.

Publisher: American Institutes for Research

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Plan for successful transitions to school”:

Return to the guide “Transitions – managing times of change”
