10 March 2025

Collaboratively plan the supports needed

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Getting to know the student and what they can do’

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Transfer supports

Transfer supports

Identify the supports in the student’s current environment. Plan for your school to provide continuity for the transitioning student.

7075 [Teacher-and-student-discussing-visual-timetable.jpg]

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Use photos and videos

Use photos and videos

Make effective use of digital technologies during transition visits.

  • Take photos of key locations (for example, significant entrances, landmarks).
  • Take photos of key people.
  • Take a 360-degree video of learning environments where the student will spend a lot of time. These can be labelled later.
  • For young students, video key people saying "hello" and introducing themselves.
  • Share photos and videos of new locations or key areas on a student’s blog (consents needed) so that they can use them to illustrate storytelling at home.
  • Video or photograph the student with their new peers.

Collaborate with previous teachers

Collaborate with previous teachers

Teachers from a Pasifika immersion centre and a primary school discuss how they worked together to make the transition from one environment to another work for students.

Useful resources

Useful resources


Classroom accommodations to help students with learning and attention issues

A US website that provides "at a glance" accommodations for a range of learning needs. It includes dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and sensory processing.

Publisher: Understood

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Get to know the student”:

Return to the guide “Transitions – managing times of change”
