04 March 2025
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The role of school boards

Processes for identifying, and supporting the learning and achievement of all students.

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Strategies for action

Three key strategies for effectively supporting the learning and achievement of all students.

Understand inclusive education

An inclusive school is one where all students are engaged and achieve through being present, participating, learning and belonging.

Video hosted on Youtube

School leaders talk about leading inclusive schools. 

Three suggestions for implementing this strategy:

Review planning, monitoring, and reporting obligations

As a board member you are responsible for ensuring that your school is planning, monitoring, reviewing, and reporting on its progress towards full inclusion. 

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This webinar has been developed to support boards of trustees in their leadership role.

Source: Ministry of Education NZSTA

Five suggestions for implementing this strategy:

Key resources


Supporting your school to be inclusive

This list of questions was compiled by New Zealand’s Inclusive Education Action Group to help boards of trustees evaluate the inclusiveness of their schools.

Publisher: Inclusive Education Action Group


Index for Inclusion Network: Indicators

This is a set of materials to support the self-review of all aspects of a school setting. Indicators start from page 39.


Inclusive Practices Tools for self-review

The Inclusive Practices Tools provide schools with ways to engage staff, students, and their communities in the review of their inclusive practices.

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