24 March 2025

Create a welcoming environment where parents and whānau can openly discuss concerns

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Establishing reciprocal relationships with parents and whānau to support learning’

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Demonstrate manaakitanga (care)

Demonstrate manaakitanga (care)

  • Make time to build positive relationships with your students, their whanau, and communities of support.
  • Ask parents about their aspirations for their child.
  • Value everyone's contribution.

Create a culture of listening

Create a culture of listening

Create a culture where parents and whānau are listened to.

  • Be open and welcoming to parents and their children, initiating and making connections with whānau.
  • Ask parents and whānau about their preferred means of communication, such as face-to-face, email or text.
  • Create opportunities and time for parents and whānau to talk about their children’s learning and wellbeing.
  • Identify appropriate staff, such as the SENCO and HOD Learning Support, as key contact people for specific parents.
  • Listen to, and address, parents’ concerns.

Source: Adapted from Partners in learning: Parent’s voices (ERO, 2008) (opens in a new tab/window)

Useful resources

Useful resources


School-whānau partnerships – Randwick School

The tumuaki, a kaiako, and a parent BOT member discuss manaakitanga, the philosophy that underpins the school’s practice.

Publisher: Ruia

Visit website


Ruia: School-whānau partnerships for ākonga Māori success

This resource supports principals and school leaders to improve outcomes for ākonga Māori by working in educationally powerful partnerships with whānau.

Publisher: Ruia

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Establish reciprocal relationships ”:

Return to the guide “Supporting ākonga Māori”
