24 March 2025
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Down syndrome and learning

Classroom strategies supporting students' learning and wellbeing across the curriculum.

On this page:

​Understanding Down syndrome

Key concepts, concerns, and experiences of students with Down syndrome.

Summary of important concepts:

Strategies for action

Four key strategies to support students with Down syndrome

Show material for:

Identify needs and how to provide support

Work closely with the student and their whānau. Take an evidence-based, team approach to supporting learning and wellbeing. Monitor progress closely.  

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Megan Bongaars, a student with Down syndrome, tells teachers about the high expectations she wants them to have of her.

Four suggestions for implementing this strategy:

  1. Ask the student what will help


    • Video
    • Resources
  2. Partner with whānau


    • Resources
  3. Assessment and monitoring


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  4. Organisations, programmes and resources


    • Resources

Key areas to support

Communication, literacy and numeracy, thinking, social interaction and positive behaviour are areas students with Down syndrome may need some specific support. Explore recommended approaches.

Video hosted on Youtube

A student with Down syndrome shows how technology supports his communication and learning.

Four suggestions for implementing this strategy:

  1. Support communication


    • Video
    • Resources
  2. Support literacy and numeracy


    • Video
    • Resources
  3. ​Support thinking


    • Resources
  4. Support interaction and positive behaviour


    • Resources

Helpful classroom strategies years 1-8

Approaches that are useful for students with Down syndrome are often valuable for everyone.

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What will support learning? What might be a barrier or a distraction?

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Four suggestions for implementing this strategy:

Helpful classroom strategies years 9-13

Approaches that are useful for students with Down syndrome are often valuable for everyone.

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Student with Down syndrome rehearsing level 2 drama presentation for peer feedback.

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Four suggestions for implementing this strategy:

Key resources


New Zealand Down Syndrome Association

Information to describe what Down Syndrome is and life with Down Syndrome.

Publisher: New Zealand Down Syndrome Association

Down syndrome A resource for educators

Down syndrome: A resource for educators

Read time: 35 min

This booklet examines how Down syndrome can influence learning and provides strategies teachers can use in the classroom.


International Guidelines for the Education of Learners with Down Syndrome

This resource has three sections: Leading, Teaching, and Learning. Each section synthesises findings from research, policy and practice, and distils recommendations.

Publisher: Down Syndrome International

More options

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