Foster social interaction
Develop personalised learning activities and approaches to foster social interaction.
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Understand social norms, diversity and masking
Understand social norms, diversity and masking
For some students, pressure to adhere to social norms and mask or hide individual differences can cause anxiety, stress and exhaustion. Consider the ways that communication varies across cultures and contexts.
For example, eye contact may be an inappropriate social skills goal for some autistic people and people with anxieties. It is disrespectful in some cultures.
Appropriate social skills are those that support the individual’s strengths, needs, personal goals and values. Work with whānau and ākonga to identify appropriate goals.
Source: The Neurodivergent Guide to Socialising (opens in a new tab/window)
Respond to needs
Respond to needs
Decide on goals and values with the student and their team.
Describe the goal in measurable terms.
Use a range of teaching techniques (for example, structured discussions, social stories).
Support mastery and generalisation through role-playing and applying skills in different scenarios.
Transition from structured teaching to everyday situations – the student may need support to achieve this.
Check for social validity – can the student use the new skills in different situations?
Teach conversation skills
Teach conversation skills
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Support and develop social skills
Support and develop social skills
- Foster tuakana-teina relationships where students support each other.
- Help autistic students to observe and notice others so that they can learn from their interactions.
- Support social engagement with peers and adults.
- Teach skills associated with social interactions, such as joining a group, taking part in two-way conversations, and reading non-verbal cues.
- Structure social supports, particularly for situations where the rules or conventions are not clearly spelled out, such as at break times.
- Provide opportunities for peers to understand the perspective of the autistic student.
- Encourage whole-school awareness and understanding of autism.
Teach students about their autistic peers
Teach students about their autistic peers
Develop approaches to teach peers and others about autism. The Kit for Kids program is an American resource to teach primary school students about their autistic peers.
Involve ākonga and whānau and gain permission to share student specific information.
Use the social skills tool kit
Use the social skills tool kit
Explore free social skills resources.
- Nonverbal prompts
- Listening prompt sheets
- Green zone worksheets
- Pie chart visuals
- Using balance for reciprocity
- All about me signs
- Chain and building visuals
- Talk to family picture sheets
- Conversation box
- Validating word cards
- Compliment maker
- Words hurt / Words help sheets
- Self-control meters
- Dealing with losing panels
Source: Autism teaching strategies (opens in a new tab/window)
Create exemplars of social scenarios
Create exemplars of social scenarios
![11688 [Inviting-play.png]](
Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga
Useful resources
Useful resources
Apps to support autistic learners, includes social stories on a wide range of topics. These are available individually or as four bundles.
Touch Autism (Apps)
Apps to support autistic learners, including social stories. For Apple devices
Publisher: Touch Autism
Next steps
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Key areas of support”:
Current page Foster social interaction
Return to the guide “Autism and learning”

How to use this site
Guide to Index of the guide: Autism and learning
Strategies for action:
Identify needs and how to provide supportShow suggestions for Identify needs and how to provide support
Key areas to supportShow suggestions for Key areas to support
- Support communication
- Foster social interaction
- Minimise sensory challenges
- Support positive behaviour
- Support self-management
Helpful classroom strategies years 1-8Show suggestions for Helpful classroom strategies years 1-8
Helpful classroom strategies years 9-13Show suggestions for Helpful classroom strategies years 9-13