Primary SEN – Circle of friends – Ben
Ben, his circle of friends and his teachers model and explain how the group works for him in this 13-minute video clip.
Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Supporting and strengthening peer relationships’
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Creating a student support network.
A teacher shares how she uses the Circle of Friends strategy to tackle challenging behaviour and promote inclusion in year 7.
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Use buddy systems to promote social skills.
Ben has ASD. He needs support with communication skills. His circle of friends and teachers model and explain how the group works for him.
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Friendships are an important foundation in an inclusive classroom.
Some strategies to create and maintain friendships.
This explains how to set up a circle of friends.
Publisher: Friendship Circle Special Needs Resource Blog
Ben, his circle of friends and his teachers model and explain how the group works for him in this 13-minute video clip.
Publisher: FAM UK Enterprises
Teacher strategies for supporting students with disabilities to make friends are outlined in this Ministry of Education publication, from the Springboards 2 Practice series.
Download PDF (428 KB)
More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Support and strengthen peer relationships”:
Current page Support friendships
Return to the guide “Supporting positive peer relationships”
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