24 March 2025
11515 [Leaving-school3.JPG]

Preparing students to leave school
- New

Preparing for the future is an integral part of the curriculum. The planning is long term, detailed and covers all aspects of life.

On this page:

Understand the key themes

Understand the key themes for leaving school

Summary of important concepts:

Strategies for action

Three key strategies for schools to prepare students for their future outside of school

Develop effective whole-school practices

Support students by developing strong whole-school processes, creating a student-centred team and building personalised pathways.

For some students, particularly those with significant learning and social needs, the transition from school is probably the most crucial process for determining how the rest of their lives will unfold.

Ministry of Education

Source: National Transition Guidelines

Four suggestions for implementing this strategy:

  1. Review and develop school practices


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  2. Build whanaungatanga


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  3. Create a student-centred team


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  4. Connect with support services outside the school


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Help students build a vision for life

Developing a vision for a good life gives a sense of direction and a basis for actions and long-term planning.

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Two suggestions for implementing this strategy:

  1. Foster student identity and aspirations


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  2. Explore future options


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Prepare students with future-focused skills

Personalise support for students as they plan their steps beyond school. Expect students’ needs and preferences to be diverse and provide options that are flexible.

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A student describes how the flexible approach of her school’s learning support team is enabling her to pursue her dreams and prepare for the future.

Six suggestions for implementing this strategy:

  1. Plan and build personalised pathways


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  2. Support wellbeing and hauora


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  3. Develop independent living skills


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  4. Develop tertiary life and study skills


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  5. Develop workplace skills and competencies


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  6. Develop job hunting skills


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Key resources


Preparing students to leave school: School responsibilities, starting from Year 9

A graphic depicting school responsibilities to prepare students to leave secondary school.


Career malaga

A career-planning resource to support Pasifika secondary students planning their career journeys. Students are encouraged to think about who they are – their cultural identity, their special interests, and their strengths, and how these can lead to fulfilling futures.

Publisher: Careers NZ


School Leavers' Toolkit

Practical advice and resources to support young adults find their way after leaving school. The online toolkit contains information on: tertiary education, moving out of home, getting a job, money and tax, taking care of myself and others, government and voting. The toolkit is in English and Māori.


Career kete: Decide and prepare

Resource kit to support to help students in Years 11–13 to make choices about tertiary education and work and prepare for the move from school.

Publisher: Careers NZ


I'm not sure what I want to do

This is a step-by-step guide to help students understand who they are and what they want – from both work and life.

Publisher: Careers NZ

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