24 April 2024

Support positive peer relationships

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Foster positive relationships and partnerships’

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Support connection

Support connection

At Pearl-Cohn High School an integral part of the curriculum is a daily practice called “The Nest”.

For students, the impact is increasing connection and community.

Circle of friends

Circle of friends

Creating a student support network.

A teacher shares how she uses the Circle of Friends strategy to tackle challenging behaviour and promote inclusion in year 7.

Support student friendships

Support student friendships

Encourage students’ attempts to make friends by offering useful and timely guidance.
  • Be a positive role model and respect individual differences. Model respect, caring, patience, and positive interactions.
  • Promote connections around common interests.
  • Provide opportunities for ongoing student connections.
  • Help students to join ongoing group activities by finding appropriate roles for them.
  • Help keep student interactions going – explain the actions of students whose social skills are just developing.
  • Share information about emergent friendships with whānau so they can arrange for students to get together outside of class.

Source: Promising practices to support friendships in inclusive classrooms (opens in a new tab/window)

Using technology to build friendships

Using technology to build friendships

A parent describes how using FaceTime has helped her son with Aspergers connect with his classmates.

Reflective questions

Reflective questions

Adapt for your own context.
  • What strategies do you use to support friendship building?
  • How do you support peer connection at break times?
  • What approaches do you use to support children who do not have strong friendships?
  • How can you create regular opportunities where students learn about each other?
  • How do you utilise technologies to increase connection between students and build friendships?

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Foster positive relationships and partnerships”:

Return to the guide “Behaviour and learning”

Guide to Index of the guide: Behaviour and learning

Strategies for action:
