18 February 2025
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Universal Design for Learning
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Design learning to meet the diverse and variable needs of all students in your classroom.

Why UDL is valuable

Learn about how UDL can help us realise the vision of The New Zealand Curriculum.

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An introduction to UDL and how it can help us realise the vision of The New Zealand Curriculum.

Summary of important concepts:

Find out about UDL

Learn about the key concepts, origins and science behind UDL.Shared understandings will help you share and reflect on practice with colleagues.

UDL is not a special ed thing or even a general ed thing.

It’s just an ed thing.

It is a way to connect every student to the learning experience, and a way at looking at learning that is fully inclusive and promotes success for all learners, regardless of ability.

Mike Marotta

Five suggestions for implementing this strategy:

  1. Learner variability


    • Video
    • Resources
  2. Expert learners and learner agency


    • Video
    • Resources
  3. UDL framework


    • Video
    • Resources
  4. UDL and differentiation


    • Video
    • Resources
  5. Myths and facts about UDL


    • Resources

Strategies for action

Six key strategies to support planning with UDL.

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Provide multiple means of Engagement

The engagement principle is concerned with how we make decisions based on emotion and motivation. It guides the design of learning environments that are safe, relevant, and support students’ motivation and resilience. 

Four suggestions for implementing this strategy:

Provide multiple means of Representation

The representation principle is concerned with how we recognise, make meaning and use information. As learners perceive and understand information differently, it is essential information is presented in multiple ways.

Four suggestions for implementing this strategy:

Provide multiple means of Action and Expression

We all differ in our abilities to organise ourselves and our thinking and express what we know. The Action and Expression principle helps us provide options and supports so everyone can learn, create and share in ways that work for them. 

Four suggestions for implementing this strategy:

How to plan using UDL

Use this human-centred approach to planning. Apply in any context to guide the inclusive design of an activity, lesson, event, hui or process. 

Six suggestions for implementing this strategy:

Design considerations in primary settings

As you begin to explore UDL, reflect on these five areas of curriculum design. To support your thinking, each area has been illustrated with provocations and questions.

Five suggestions for implementing this strategy:

Design considerations in secondary settings

As you begin to explore UDL, reflect on these five areas of curriculum design.To support your thinking, each area has been illustrated with provocations and questions.

Five suggestions for implementing this strategy:

Design considerations in NCEA assessments

UDL can help create a more inclusive NCEA experience for ākonga.Use these suggestions alongside the tools on NCEA Education to enhance your practice in inclusive assessment design.

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UDL is an approach that helps us anticipate barriers to learning and build in useful supports and options that can be offered to all.

Five suggestions for implementing this strategy:

Key resources


UDL and the learning brain

Read time: 5 min

A rationale for UDL based on findings from neuroscience.

Publisher: CAST


About Universal Design for Learning

An introduction to UDL by the founders of the framework.

Publisher: CAST

Universal Design for Learning Theory and practice multimedia version

Universal Design for Learning: Theory and practice (multimedia version)

Free multimedia information and teacher stories. User will need to login on first visit. Developed by CAST's founders Anne Meyer and David H. Rose, along with David Gordon.

Publisher: CAST


What learning coaches need to know about UDL

A series of videos designed to support learning coaches in creating a deeper understanding of UDL: what it is, why it matters, and how it might be used to support the learning of all students.

Publisher: The Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC)


UDL Strategies

This online resource provides suggestions and resources aligned to the UDL framework. Each checkpoint in the guidelines has a photo and description.

Publisher: Enome Inc

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Strategies for action:
