15 September 2024

Involve students in designing routines for the ILE

Suggestion for implementing the strategy ‘Involving students in planning and preparing for the transition to the new space’

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Involve students in decision making

Involve students in decision making

Year 7-8 students describe how their inquiry into an ILE led to setting up systems and routines in their new space.

Partner with students

Partner with students

South New Brighton School teachers involved students in the design of their collaborative space. Students advised on tools and spaces to support their learning.

Establish routines

Establish routines

Establish routines with students that meet their needs and preferences.

Build in flexibility from the outset and provide scaffolds to give students as much autonomy as possible.

10551 [IMG-3673.jpg]

Source: Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga

Support student agency

Support student agency

Teaching students to be independent and self-directed learners needs to be at the centre of a successful ILE and this does not happen overnight. It requires scaffolds, stepping-stones and a safe environment.

Karen Tui Boyes

Useful resources

Useful resources


Five free tools to collect student feedback

A set of online tools to support student feedback.

Publisher: Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Visit website

Next steps

More suggestions for implementing the strategy “Involve students in transition to new space”:

Return to the guide “Planning innovative learning environments (ILEs)”
